
Here's where you'll find the other stuff; Things I feel like should be in their own category
If you're on PC, you can use [CTRL + F] to go to the sub-categories in here:
----- Collabs -----
Lethal Company video acompanying Capptain Jakkalope, Rubii and a Hoarding Bug!
In this video I made the rigs for each and every in-game creature you see througout the video (though you won't see the Forest Keepers' eye rigs because Jakk didn't use them), the voice of the Hoarding Bug and the video's thumbnail!
Capptain Jakkalope getting up to some less than honorable accidents
For this one, there's a scene where Jakk gets all poetical and stuff. I made all the editing for that part (excluding audio), all but the first shot's backgrounds of said scene, as well as Jakk's rig and the girl's sprites for it
In case you want to see JUST that scene, you can go here
Video about Artificer from Rain World and her campaign, with some slight alterations to better fit Jakk's video styles
In this one I made a texture pack for Melting where they're replaced with Artificer. The clip in the video with the skin in action starts at 0:56 and ends at 1:06
Nuclear Throne mod I made alongside Fish_Eggs where we added Drash from Voidigo into the game as a fully playable character!
----- Videos -----
Fan sprite edit of a boss from Star of Providence, inspired by the Discord banner of one of the game's main developers
Random video I made for an inside joke where I spend all the money I accumulated in Go Mecha Ball (I made the video bad purposefully)
I once made a post on Twitter asking for questions. My intention was to answer them in a video, that way it's a bit more fun
While playing Lethal Company, I gathered clips throughout all my playtime. Once I reached about 60 hours playing it, I decided it was finally time to make a compilation of them, that's this video
Birthday gift for Fish_Eggs, that's all :)
After getting close to 100%ing ASTRONAUTILUS, I decided to finally make an "actual video". That video would be this!
Trailer I made for a mod for Nuclear Throne I made with Fish_Eggs. Feel like playing it yourself? You can download the mod here
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