Welcome to Leafplace!

it's my website! :D


There are buttons on the top left of the pages for you to navigate through them!

(thought I'd put this here because of their contrast)


Heeee-eeya! My name is Ian Boni! I'm a Brazilian who's very passionate about gaming culture, animation, art and Star of Providence! I've been creating things for basically my entire lifetime now, and am still in constant improval (is that a real word?) of my skills

As a heads up, despite this website acting as a sort of portfolio for other people to see, I'm not gonna keep writing super formally around here, this is my domain!


As you could probably guess, yes, I make some art, both through my computer and through physical objects (my many notebooks). I have been drawing frequently since I was 6 or 7, and am still drawing to this day! I've gotten into traditional art, digital art, craft work and even animation

I don't have a massive selection of animated works, but I have all 12 principles inside of my little thinking box, and also some other stuff I've learned from analyzing other animations (techniques such as smears and impact frames)


I can program to some extent, judging on how I did make this website. I have some experience in making video games. Being a skill I once taught myself after knowing that some of my faves were made in GameMaker Studio 2, I've learned how to do some basic things in a relative level. Hence that at the moment I also use GMS2's visual scripting to create projects, called Drag and Drop. One day I'll make my transition to GML (the Engine's language), but I'm not entirely sure when

I also have an itch.io page if you wanna look in there :]


Anywho, I gotta thank Fish_Eggs for helping me to set this site up, go check out his website (), it's really cool :)




